Group performance

The integrated Group performance is measured and assessed by a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), which is further compiled in financial and non-financial results.


TITAN Group posted strong growth in turnover, EBITDA and net profit in 2015.




Revenue received from the sale of goods and services to all customers

(2014: €1,158.4m)




Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization

(2014: €181.6m)



Net profit after minority interests and taxes

(2014: €30.9m)



Expenditure on capital investment projects across the Group

(2014: €82m)


Net debt/EBITDA ratio

(2014: 2.98)


Positive outlook

Credit rating by Standard & Poor’s

(2014: BB – Stable outlook)

Group net debt evolution (€m)

Year Net debt (€m)
2009 Q1 1,112
2009 Q2 986
2009 Q3 988
2009 Q4 930
2010 Q1 947
2010 Q2 874
2010 Q3 831
2010 Q4 739
2011 Q1 739
2011 Q2 707
2011 Q3 732
2011 Q4 674
2012 Q1 754
2012 Q2 602
2012 Q3 632
2012 Q4 562
2013 Q1 596
2013 Q2 552
2013 Q3 563
2013 Q4 509
2014 Q1 541
2014 Q2 490
2014 Q3 529
2014 Q4 541
2015 Q1 660
2015 Q2 630
2015 Q3 650
2015 Q4 621

At the end of December 2015, Group net debt stood at €621 million and the net debt to EBITDA ratio stood at 2.87, a strong position in the context of the Group’s positive prospects for EBITDA growth in the years ahead. Group net debt is about half of what it was in the beginning of 2009.

Non-financial: Social

In 2015, we responded to urgent matters such as the refugee crisis in Greece, and we further enhanced our collaborative initiatives as part of our strategy. We place a significant focus on social issues on which we can help make a difference, such as health and safety, employability and staff development. Below are some of last year’s highlights on our social performance.


Employees and contractors (all activities)

Year Employees Contractors
2010 2.33 -
2011 1.49 1.43
2012 1.38 1.91
2013 0.47 0.76
2014 1.65 0.87
2015 2.00 1.10

TITAN Group number of LTIs2

Employees and contractors (all activities)

Year Employees Contractors
2010 26 17
2011 16 12
2012 14 16
2013 5 7
2014 18 8
2015 23 11

2015 Internships by country

Country Number of internships
Albania 16
Bulgaria 0
Egypt 220
F.Y.R. of Macedonia 15
Greece 117
Kosovo 28
Serbia 11
Turkey 10
USA 15
Total 432



(2014: €2.2m)


Training man-hours

(2014: 130,067)

1. Lost-time injuries frequency rate.

2. Lost-time injuries.

Non-financial: Environmental

Acknowledging our environmental responsibilities creates value for our business, our customers and the communities in which we operate. Here are some of the highlights of our progress in reducing our environmental footprint in 2015.

Environmental expenditure

(million euros)

Year Million euros
2011 36.6
2012 19.5
2013 24.6
2014 30.1
2015 67.8

Specific water consumption1


Year lt/tCement
2011 340.1
2012 300.0
2013 315.5
2014 305.4
2015 287.1



Gross direct specific CO2 emissions2

(2014: 676.3 kg/tProduct, 2015 Group target: 628.0 kg/tProduct)



Specific dust emissions2

(2014: 37.3 g/tClinker, 2015 Group target: 95.0 g/tClinker)



Specific NOx emissions2

(2014: 1,612.1 g/tClinker, 2015 Group target: 1,670.0 g/tClinker)



Specific SOx emissions2

(2014: 273.8g/tClinker, 2015 Group target: 240.0 g/tClinker)

1. Specific water consumption values are based on 2009 equity.

2. Specific CO2 and air emissions are based on 2009 equity.